I wrote a syllabus on the color blue for Syllabus Project, a weekly publication that explores how a syllabus can become a creative tool.
Once In A Blue Moon Book Launch is an Artnet Editors' Pick!
Editors' Pick for this week, see here
Thursday, February 1
8. “Once in a Blue Moon” at Printed Matter, Inc.
A book launch and reading celebrating the release of Magali Duzant’s Light Blue Desire: A Manual to the Color Blue, aptly taking place on the evening of the astronomical phenomenon of a blue moon. The book is an investigation into the connection between language and form, specifically the color blue and how it functions as a metaphor and an idiom in the broad cultural landscape.
Location: Printed Matter, Inc., 231 11th Avenue
Price: Free
Time: Book launch & reading: 6 p.m.–8 p.m.
—Caroline Goldstein
Once In A Blue Moon / Book Launch for Light Blue Desire at Printed Matter Feb 1
Feb 1, 2018 6 - 8 PM Printed Matter 231 11th Ave New York, NY 10001
Join us for the launch of Light Blue Desire: A Manual to the Color Blue by Magali Duzant published by Conveyor Editions. The evening—which fittingly coincides with a very rare blue moon*—will include a two-channel video of the moon filmed during this rare astronomical event. In addition, Duzant will give a reading from her recent publications Light Blue Desireand I Looked & Looked, which both explore our relationship to language, color, and the night sky.
Light Blue Desire (2018) investigates the power, failure, and fluidity of language. The project, in its current incarnation as an artist book, lyrically maps the amorphous definition and meaning of the word blue across languages. The collection of idioms reveals a compendium of contradictions; concepts around a color that is both high and low, peaceful and pornographic, melancholic and manipulative, and consistently voted the world’s favorite color. How and why does blue seep into our speech, color our thoughts, lap into our languages?